An Ode to Mother Earth
Mother to all.
I am a staunch supporter of you. At times in my life I’ve sat and asked myself, “but why?”
As a tiny child running barefoot upon your wood chips I heard, “hurry child for even mothers can cause us pain”.
As an adult walking upon your rocky coast seeking solace in your windy embrace I hear, “you are not alone here”.
No matter young or old(er), you are my constant. You are there through it all. Whether seeking a gentle nudge or a loving embrace. You are there to guide me amongst my, sometimes, fallen identity. Seeing me through the darkness back to where I belong:
Mother Nature.
The deep connection I feel with nature is one that cannot be contended with. Quite frankly, it is hard to even explain in words. An attachment as pure as snow even when life feels like winter’s wrath. The warmth of gratitude fills me whole while the sun’s rays shine upon me.
Nature allows me to feel the innocence that while in childhood was lost upon my youth. The anxiousness that permeated me as a kid, is now gone while reveling at the majestic mountaintops.
“It is safe here,” while smelling the fresh roses under my nose.
However, she just like the rest of us, have times where we need to “let go”. With Mother Nature, those times are the ones where we say, “you can never win against Gaia.” Hurricanes that ravage towns, tornados that in a blink of an eye demolish homes, or waves so large you could swear they can touch the moon, only to obliterate businesses.
Strength, nurturing, empathy, but with a dash of spitefulness. That is Mother Nature. While we all can relate to her wrath at times, and the world could use a lesson in her compassion at other stages within us.
Share your beauty and warmth while dealing with your own agitation.